Knee Replacement

Knee Replacement Surgery involves replacement of the worn out or diseased cartilage with artificial joint surfaces made up of imported metal alloys and highly cross linked plastics. We at knee, hip and shoulder centre never compromise on the quality and standards of implants. Thus we provideto all our patients, pain free mobile joint which is long lasting.


Improving outcome for knee replacement patients   

Getting better outcome from Knee replacement surgery depends upon three main factors:

“All knees are not same.”

Firstly, it is important to properly diagnose the extent and type of knee damage. To know in which patient knee replacement is required is very important.

“All Patients are not same, so surgeon has to individualize the procedure.”

After diagnosing it is important to plan precisely the technique and the components used in the surgery and then proper implantation.

“Role of surgeon never ends after surgery.”

Thirdly it is important to follow patient specific post operative rehabilitation protocol.


knee replacement

Patient moving her knee joint on second day of surgery

Newer edge technologies:

  • Computer navigation in total knee replacement
  • Patient specific instrumentation (PSI) in total knee replacement
  • Partial Knee Replacement/ Unicondylar knee replacement
  • Newer implants and instrumentations increasing years to total knee replacement

Computer Assisted Knee Replacement

Computer Navigation Surgery helps surgeon accurate placement of adequate size artificial knee components. In the arthritic knee joint information provided by computer help in avoiding alignment outliers thus helps in increasing the longevity of knee surgery.

The information provided by the computer helps surgeon in executing surgery with minimal soft tissue disruption and lesser bone loss. This helps in less postoperative pain and easy rehabilitation.

knee replacement

In CAS, a computerized model of individual knee is made depending upon the knee anatomy and ligament condition. Surgeon can take guidance from the computer throughout the surgical steps involved in the procedure. Every surgical step can be rechecked thus minimizes any chance of error. Literature and experiences from surgeons from all over the world proves computer assisted total knee replacement superior to conventional total knee replacement.  Using computer navigation for knee replacement surgery reduces the number of outliers and improves overall alignment, leading to better performance and longer life of the implants.

Patient Testimonials

Patient Education